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After a week without Internet in my new apartment ... (It was a hell), I dedicated myself to do some of the most requested hair in the HUM case and to be honest I had already had two previous attempts that I decided to discard, the first one I did not convince anything and the second attempt to erase it to look a lot like HUM 010 (KID TRUNKS SS) so it better retrace one, another and again and to not lie to them this pack was going to come out instead of 012 HUM.

But as you already know. "BETTER AFTERNOON THAN EVER" and finally I had a definitive hairstyle that if it was to my liking and surely for the rest of you.

This package of hairstyles can be used as much as 002 and 011 HUM in the next update I will bring you the SSG and Ultrain for the 011 in particular and in what you hope you can use the hairstyles that this pack brings.

As always I'll be reading the comments, SUPER JOHNNY GOD out ...

He had always wanted to say that. 😊🀣

(You must have installed New Transformations from the Lazybones pack)


Unzip the Zip and open the respective folders of each transformation and copy them the EMB, EMM and EMD files and paste them in

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 / data / chara / HUF.



If you want more hair of the game modified by me let me know, if I have the time I will gladly do them. ❀

v.1 Release.

v.2 Add SSG for Hair 011 and New Style of Ultran for Hair 011.

File size
37.20 MB
Credit given to modders
August 8, 2019


Leave a Reply

  1. Michnader says:

    how do we do the hair cause I forgot how to and a friend of mine who also uses this mod isn’t telling me

  2. younes says:

    je n’arrive pas a faire quelqu’un peut m’aider ?

  3. uber gaming says:

    Any chance you can do this for type 12?

  4. stabor says:

    Yo, I have a question about this, base on the hairstyle in pictures I assume it’s base on 003 and 012, I sure did the paste thing, but it didn’t work, BTW I have lazybone’s transformes mod. I sincere waiting somebody can help me THX.

    1. stabor says:

      Got it work, I was forgot about use change hair transformation stuff LOL

  5. I hope when you have the time, you could do mirrored versions of each hair, I love the Rosè hair but the base hair I use is 002 and not 011

  6. zenah05 says:

    this is a HUM file so its on Human Male Character ofc now ik why it doesnt its not setted on SYM and SYF but yeah so i just simply change the file name to make it work

    1. james hill says:

      bro you put the files in the hum folder and it works on saiyan idiot

  7. LaughingWolf says:

    i am using lazybones transformations
    do I simply open the hair folder for hum and paste the hair folder inside ?

  8. Kazo says:

    Are you gonna update this hair pack? please.

  9. wetpudding says:

    Any possibility of SSJ5 hair?

  10. JJ says:

    How do you keep your cacs eyes like that, wouldn’t the mod change your cacs eyes to a wider eye texture?

    1. stabor says:

      Bro, do U got it fixed? I wonder same question

File size
37.20 MB
Credit given to modders
August 8, 2019

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