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All Hairstyles to SSJ3 (In progress)

Finally gathered together all my SSJ3 hairs, I added hairstyle 2 to the mix, so now there are 5 transforming hairs.

Hairstyle 1: Done

Hairstyle 2: Done

Hairstyle 3: Not Finished

Hairstyle 4: Not Finished

Hairstyle 5: Done

Hairstyle 6: Not Finished

Hairstyle 7: Not Finished

Hairstyle 8: Not Finished

Hairstyle 9: Not Finished

Hairstyle 10: Not Finished

Hairstyle 11:  Done

Hairstyle 12: Not Finished

All Hairstyles to SSJ4(In progress)

All of my SSJ4 transforming hairstyles(so far) with the addition of my transforming SSJ4 fusion vest. All in one convenient pack.

Hairstyle 1: Done

Hairstyle 2: Not started

Hairstyle 3: Not started

Hairstyle 4: Not started

Hairstyle 5: Done

Hairstyle 6: Not started

Hairstyle 7: Done

Hairstyle 8: Not started

Hairstyle 9: Not started

Hairstyle 10: Not started

Hairstyle 11: Not started

Hairstyle 12: Not started

CaC Hairstlye (Future Gohan SSJ-SSJ2)

I actually finished this a while ago but forgot to release this hairstyle. Shoutout to KaiKishiyama for letting me use his awesome Future Gohan hairstlye. I went into the file for the hair and actually had to remove some of the spikes in the hair. I had to remove on of the bangs and make the other three much spikier. I ended up having to grow and make the hair up top more jagged.


SSJ Transforming Hairstyles (In Progress/Need Input)

So far there are only three of the default hairstyles that can go SSJ.

Hairstyle 1: Transforms to Vegetto

Hairsyle 5: Transforms to SSJ2 Teen Gohan

Hairstyle 7: Transforms to SSJ Goku

Option 2: Transforms to SSJ T. Gohan

Hairstyle 8: Transforms to SSJ4 Gogeta

Option 2: Vegito to SSJ4 Gogeta

I can’t think of any other transformations for the hair, I need feedback and input from you guys so that I can update this.

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